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What is Cacao? Health Benefits

Cacao is a type of tropical tree, part of the evergreen family, that produces the world’s chocolate in raw form, before fat, sugar, and other “sweeteners” are added. The cacao tree grows in a few specific regions of the world naturally, including Mexico and South America, where most of the cacao or chocolate beans/seeds come from. Cacao trees only grow in tropical areas with the right combination of climate, temperature, and environment factors. The Cacao tree has been grown and harvested for thousands of years, and still so today, for its powerful chocolate seeds. The cacao tree can reach a height of 25 feet, with “seed pods” growing up to four inches thick and a foot long. The shell is a leathery texture, much like that of a coconut. 
How Does Cacao Go Into Making Dark Chocolate?
Dark chocolate is the result of crushing and liquefying nibs or cacao seeds without the shell into what is known as chocolate liquor. It’s further processed into a chocolate powder or bars of chocolate through a press. Cacao is not added to dark chocolate; it is chocolate at the core! You get pure cacao when you don’t add other things to it sweeteners, fat, etc. and the term “dark chocolate” is synonymous with “pure chocolate” to varying degrees. The darker and less affected the chocolate is the stronger and more powerful the effects of the health enhancing ingredients.
Health Benefit Of Cacao
Cacao is packed with vitamins and antioxidants that make it almost a super food or natural Multi-Vitamin! The beneficial ingredients found in the Cacao nibs (raw chocolate) are Antioxidants, Theobromine, Phenylethylamine, Essential Minerals and Vitamins. 

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